3 Common Summer Plumbing Problems

It may come as a bit of a surprise to learn that plumbing issues can be a bit seasonal, but it’s true. Different plumbing issues tend to have various times of the year that they are more prevalent.
So what use is this information to you other than data you might store to retrieve if you ever happen to be on a trivia show? Well, as a local Fairfield area homeowner, it means you will be better prepared to know what types of issues to watch for.
Be On The Lookout
Want to take good care of your home? Then here are a few things to keep in mind:
- This is the time of year when you use your sprinkler and that means it is often time to discover something is wrong with the system.
- Check the hoses for leaks and the heads for damage, especially damage resulting from lawn mowers. Even if your sprinkler is functional, if it has leaks it will result in high water bills.
- You would be surprised what one trip to the beach can do to your drains. An entire family taking their turn in the shower to wash away sand can immediately cause slow or clogged drains. Try to rinse off at the beach or even with a hose outside your home before taking your post-beach shower.
- Now that the kids are out of school for the summer it means more activities and trips. All of this leads to pre and post event clothes washing marathons. This additional strain to the machine and line can stress it out and lead to serious damage. This is especially true if you have an older machine.
These are just a few of the examples of plumbing issues that are more likely to come up during the summer months. The good news is that the expert team at Steve Basso Plumbing, Heating & AC, LLC is here to address your service needs, all year long.